Saturday, September 16, 2006

Century mark

Tonight's post marks the 100th entry to this blog. I hope you have found at least a few good ideas here in these last few months. I've enjoyed writing these entries and it has been useful for me, too, thinking things through as I commit them to paper (or bits, I guess). The next 100 entries will bring us right up to the end of the major planning for the Montserrat trip. I hope you'll stick with me through that -- and if you find this blog useful or enjoyable (hopefully both!) please tell your friends about it. Thanks.

I'll be giving my presentation The 100 Pound DXpedition at the Colonial Wireless Association club in Concord on September 27th, 2006. The schedule has this at the Concord Carlisle High School (500 Walden Street) from 7:30 - 10 PM, but let me assure you I'll not be speaking that whole time! {grin} What will likely happen is I'll speak for a while and then it will be show and tell time with all equipment I'm planning on bringing including my new IC-7000 setup, Buddipole and Buddistick systems, solar stuff, and lots of other fun gizmos.
I've always found it helpful to see interesting devices firsthand, holding them, assessing the quality of their construction, and getting a feel for their weight and size directly. Sure, you can look at web pages and catalog pages, scan brochures, and read magazine reviews, but there is no substitute for the knowledge you gain by direct physical inspection. I'll bring lots of my goodies so attendees can do just that.
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Again, I would like to thank all of you who have been reading, and especially thank those who have written to me over these last 100 days. I enjoy the correspondences and am especially thankful for the suggestions and ideas contributed. 73 DE NE1RD!


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