Friday, March 30, 2007

VP2M Cards -- worth the wait

My previous post declaring that QSL cards had been ordered was, at the time, premature. I thought they had been ordered, but no. The order wasn't actually placed until later. (Why am I always the last to know?!) Sorry about that. I got a note today that the cards may be shipped from the printer either today or some time early next week. I will post here the moment I have those new cards in hand. The good news in all this is these cards are gorgeous! They are worth the wait. Really.
This weekend is Atlanticon. I had attended this gathering the last couple of years and had a great time. This year, though, I was too busy. My friend Greg (NE1OB) will be there. Take a look at his blog later this weekend or early next week to see how things went. Drive safely, Greg!
On a final note, Today is Stop Cyberbullying Day. I posted an off-topic entry the other day on this issue and I won't belabor the point here. Suffice it to say that I believe that words matter. Let's use them to build something worthwhile together. Thanks.


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