Thursday, August 31, 2006

Soufriere Hills Volcano activity

Paul (KB9AVO), a member of the Montserrat DXpeditioning team, has been sending around reports of recent volcano activity on the island. You can follow along with what we are reading from the stormCARIB web site. Another fine place to check out is the Montserrat Volcano Observatory web site. Obviously our team is watching the activity at the Soufriere Hills Volcano very carefully.
In my efforts to prepare and plan for this trip there are some things that are foremost in my mind and safety is chiefly among them. I have several places in my outline for the DXpedition manual that discuss safety including a section on "Extraordinary Events" including sickness, injury, or death, political instability, transportation failure, etc. But, I really need to add at least two more things to my list: what do to if there is an event while we are on the island, and what might we do if there was an event preventing us from getting to the island. Our plan should address this. It would be A Bad Thingtm to be sitting in the airport lounge in Antigua with everybody saying, "now what?"
Budd (W3FF) wondered aloud in a group email if Antigua should be a backup operating place. Our current plan is to fly into Antigua and then trek over to Montserrat. But, if the volcano is going nuts and we can't get to Montserrat, what then? This is going to require some thought. In the mean time, we'll watch the volcano from here.
For some reason, I can't get this Jimmy Buffet song out of my head. Any ideas out there? {grin}


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